
The Ultimate Weapon: X124 by Subliminal Shop


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The Ultimate Weapon: X124 by Subliminal Shop

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Warning: This program is for advanced users or specific conditions, and can be dangerous if used improperly or carelessly. Do not buy this program if PSE-Volume 1 does not give you good results under the same conditions of use expected. Please read this product description carefully as the program instructions are also included.

The Ultimate Weapon was originally conceived as an idea for a show that would be useful for stealthy seduction, hence the name. However, several years of experimentation show that stealthy seduction is not the best use for this program (X124). While the Ultimate Weapon line of programs can certainly be used to awaken people of both sexes, that arousal will not act or express itself without very specific conditions, conditions that make these programs perfect as aphrodisiacs for couples who want to spice up their lives. love lives.

This program is designated X124. X124 is the descendant of the seventh generation of Poetry of the Silent Eros Volume 1, and like its parent, does not include any scripts. However, this program is approximately 54 times (!!!) more powerful and effective in generating sexual arousal in most people. It is also much faster. Tests have revealed that, under ideal conditions, using the program in less than 10 minutes can generate sexual intercourse. Under typical conditions, arousal can become noticeably conscious in 10 to 20 minutes, and sex can lead to 10 to 60 minutes with a receptive partner. Adverse conditions, something missing from the list of required conditions below, can delay sex or avoid it entirely.

X124 will tend to make sex happen while being used remarkably more passionately. Either genre can be induced to start depending on your sexual arousal response and personality. However, the effect is intended to be short-term and generally lasts 1 to 48 hours after exposure, depending on the exposure time.

X124 is best used:

When both parties know and accept its use.
When there is enough privacy to act on the resulting sexual arousal.
When the subject feels comfortable and familiar with the person who uses it.
When the subject is in a place where they feel comfortable expressing and acting on their sexual arousal.
When the subject has time to have sex.
When the subject is relaxed.
When the subject is not distracted by work, children, video games, responsibilities, etc.
When the subject has their attention focused on the person playing the program.
When the subject feels safe indulging his sexual arousal, this includes safe from unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections, loss of privacy, etc.
When the subject is not subject to guilt, shame, or fear regarding the repercussions of having sex, including religious reasons, social pressures, other people’s opinions, degree of involvement with another person, etc.
When both parties are willing to have sex with each other.

In other words, this program will work best when the subject has the time, privacy, freedom, and ability to respond to the resulting sexual arousal, and is not mentally focused on anything that distracts them from it. When used as an aphrodisiac between two or more people who have these conditions, you will find that the results are almost always very good.

X124 is NOT designed or intended to:

Public use
Awaken people involved in complex or focus-based activities, such as studying, calculating, or working.
Use in, around or by minors of legal sexual consent in their jurisdiction.
Use guidance for people unaware of its use.
Use it on people involved or married to someone else.
People who are resistant to sexual activity.
People who suffer from low sexual desire due to depression, including postpartum depression in women who have recently given birth.
Gay men.
Take advantage of others, especially drunk or drugged individuals.
Use it on people who are angry, upset, or passionate in a negative direction.
Stealthy seduction.

Not everyone will respond to this program. However, it will positively affect the vast majority of those who hear it who are heterosexual or bisexual. It has not been tested and has an uncertain effect on gay men, but it should also affect gay women.

Because it doesn’t have a hyphen, it can be used with equal success regardless of the language your subject speaks or understands. However, this also means that there is nothing to guide, enhance or shape the resulting excitement. Therefore, arousal may be associated with whoever is in the player’s direct line of sight, or it may occur and be directed to another person entirely if care is not taken to use it in the correct circumstances and environment.


Arousal can be associated with the source (or apparent source) of the audio if the subject does not know that the program is playing. This program can generate sexual excitement in the person who uses it as much as in the desired subject. You are still responsible for your actions, regardless of your own level of sexual arousal, so don’t use this program in close proximity to others until you are familiar with how it affects you.

By purchasing, downloading or using this program, you agree to:

Accept all responsibility for each and every result of using this program.
Use this program with care and responsibility, including appropriate contraceptive measures and protection against the spread of sexually transmitted infections.
Do not use this program on minors or minors by sexual consent for the jurisdiction in which this program is used.
Do not use this program if you are a minor for sexual consent in the jurisdiction in which this program is used.
Do not expose others to this program without your knowledge and consent.
Do not use this program in places, circumstances, or around people where it would be inappropriate to display pornography.
Do not use this program to take advantage of another person, entice you into cheating, or subject you to unwanted sexual arousal.
Don’t allow yourself to act on any resulting self-excitement inappropriately.

Sexual arousal is often noticeable through body language if your partner or subject does not tell you that you are aroused. Body language indicators of sexual arousal generally include, but are not limited to:

Increased eye contact, including frequency of eye contact, duration of eye contact retention, aggressiveness of eye contact, and the use of seduction or gaze communication.
Increased restlessness with the hands or moving in a seat.
Caresses on the upper thighs, arms, stomach, chest, neck and / or face.
Biting her lips, especially when stealing glances or giving “come fuck me” glances.
Noticeable increase in lubrication of the vagina.
Express a sexual aroma through the expressed increase in vaginal lubrication.
Erection of the penis or nipples.
Changes in breathing, including faster and / or deeper breathing.
Shaking your legs open and closed, or dropping them more open than is socially acceptable, and then closing them when possible.
Keep your legs tightly closed, especially if one or both hands are placed between them.
Flip or play with the hair more frequently, especially if the hair is flipped in your direction, or if the person is older than they would normally flip or play with their hair without doing anything.
Turning the torso to face the subject of sexual interest, or the source of the audio.
Exposing or hiding the neck by moving the hair out of the way, or covering it with the hair on the side of the neck towards you.
Exposing one or both soles of the feet to you, while standing or sitting; even better if they are barefoot, and even better if they take off their shoes to take off their shoes first.
In some cases, a person with sexually sensitive nipples can stroke, rub, or even pinch their nipples.
Find excuses to be as close to you physically as possible without being inappropriate.
Make the conversation remarkably sexual in nature, or make sexually suggestive comments, sounds, actions, or movements.
Verbally or physically initiating kisses, sexual contact, or sex.

The appropriate volume to play this program will range from approximately -35 to -40 dB at the source. This correlates to approximately 50% to 75% of maximum volume on most portable players or cell phones. (Download FrequenSee [free, not from Indigo Mind Labs] for a visual reading of the volume.) If this is irritating, turn the volume down until it is not. For faster or more intense results, higher volumes are better; for less resistance, lower volumes are better.

Note: To be eligible for a refund for our aphrodesian programs, you must have used it for a minimum of one month.

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