
Magnetize Your Prosperity in 7 Heart Centered Steps

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Instead of just getting more of something, this class is about embodying something more, being something more. Your focus is to awaken your Consciousness of thriving, become a stream of love which makes you magnetic.

The purpose of this course is to shift Your Consciousness from getting into giving. From getting an amount of something, to having, being, and enjoying your true value. From efforting and working on to creating with ease. 

Prosperity is a state of consciousness. Whatever we desire is already available to us. There isn’t anything outside of us that controls this flow. As we think in our heart so are we.

Your dreams matter. To turn your Dreams into physical Matter, they have to matter to you! Please give them to yourself.

Each call is even structured in a way that makes staying in the conversation easy. You will have real action steps to take into your real life, produce real miracles, then come back for more trainings and action steps. All at your own pace.

MAGNETIZE Your Prosperity in 7 Heart Centered Steps was a series of 7 live calls over 2 weeks. Each step builds on the one before and integrates a wide variety of Mastery Systems Tools and Technologies into a this step by step system.

Magnetize Your Prosperity – How it Works – 90 minutes

This session will build the context for the course and establish the necessary launch pad for the 7 Steps. With the advent of our current awakening, many of us have come to the awareness and realization: Our Creator is within us, within our Hearts, AND OUR CONSCIOUSNESS is actually the only Power directing our lives. “As we think in our Hearts, so are we!”

Step 1 – Clear the Slate – 60 minutes

Any new goal, destiny or outcome that is set from an avoided, suppressed, hated, condemned, or resented experience will carry the judged pattern into the new goal and potentially limit, or sabotage your new choice. This session will create the base line for the next 6 Steps.

Step 2 – Set Your Goal – 60 minutes

Setting Your Goal is about finding your Heart’s Top Priority, Your Heart’s Highest Call. Many ways we avoid hearing our Heart’s Choices are based on listening so intently to the outer world’s strategies of being good, not wrong, ok in the eyes of others, or picking goals which are reasonable, doable, possible, affordable, acceptable, appropriate”, and approved of. Step 2 will walk you through a powerful strategy to help you discover what your heart is truly asking for and you’ll set your new goal from there.

Step 3 – Imagine From – 60 minutes

In Step 2, “Set Your Goal” we found the “What” of our becoming Magnetic and Prospering. Now in Step 3, “Imagine From Your Goal Already Existing” we are going to shift where and when we are imagining from.

Step 4 – New Agreements – 60 minutes

In Step 4, New Agreements are the way we operate on our new level of Prosperity Consciousness. Limitation is an agreement, albeit unconsciousness. Struggle is an other—than—consciousness agreement. Repeated lack—want—neediness is an other—than—consciousness agreement, even though we may hate it, it is an agreement. This step will help you set a new level of agreement with yourself and help you start living from your High Agreements.

Step 6 – I Demand, I Command, I AM – and – Step 7 – Breathe, Trust, Rest – 60 minutes

“I Demand, I Command, and I AM” is the action of Authority required to remain Magnetic when and if any limitation attempts to be recognized and brought back or stay in manifestation. Step 7, “I Breathe, I Trust, I Rest” are signals Creation is finished and complete in our Inner Being and we now Take the Sabbath, Trusting we have fulfilled Divine Law and our Call is now Answered From On High.

These 7 sessions of consecutive sequential commitments and steps to fully embody and replace old reactive limited survival patterns into thriving, abundance, prosperity, and abundance.

Our outcome with this course is you…

  • awaken and remember your magnetic nature.
  • can take a vision, a dream, a hope and turn it into manifestation.
  • awaken your true identity.
  • love love more than you fear fear.

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